Some make the hit parade
And sing on the radio.
Others seek for wealth.
They’re always on the go.
I will attend the assembly
To which the godly come.
I want to serve the Savior
And hear him say well done.
I will abide in Jesus’ words.
They are my hope and stay.
I’ll labor in God’s strength
And commit to him my way.
I want to speak of Jesus.
The worldly path I’ll shun.
I want to live a holy life
And hear him say well done.
I want to show his kindness
To everyone I meet.
I desire the lowest spot.
In Christ I am complete.
Of all this world’s treasures
I have need of none.
I’ll trust God with his supply
And hear him say well done.
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33 NKJV