What happens to the pasture
When the autumn days are through
When the harvesting has ended
And there is no more work to do?
The winds of winter come quickly
To stiffen that fertile ground.
In the morning light we see,
The frost scattered on the ground.
Evening shadows quicken.
The daylight hours are few.
The hills and the meadows resting
Have a tan and rusty hue.
Perhaps a lonely visitor
Will hop along its paths
As it contemplates the absence
Of the cows and their calfs.
Many are the days ahead
When life seems quite bleak.
Envision then a coming day
When tender grasses peek.
For there comes a resurrection.
New life will then be found.
When beauty crowns the pasture
With flowers all around.
I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me
A crown of righteousness,
Which the Lord, the righteous judge,
Shall give me at that day:
And not to me only,
But unto all them also
That love his appearing.
2 Timothy 4:7-8