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Poet, Harry Burdette Bechtol,

Aug.18, 1921 - Feb.1, 2013,

Athens, Michigan

I would like to be remembered

As someone who did his part,

To shed a ray of sunshine

And lift another's heavy heart.

I'd like to be remembered

For the kindness I had shown,

To another weary traveler

Who was lost and far from home.

I would hope when friends had gathered

To discuss the days of old,

They'd remember something I had said

Or a story I had told.

And the many little children

Who had crossed my path each day,

May have learned from my example

Of a better, truer way.

I don't need any fancy tombstone

When I'm finally laid to rest,

Just a word so they'll remember

That I tried to do my best.

I would ask the Lord's forgiveness

For mistakes I may have made,

And thank Him for the answers,

To the prayers that I have prayed.

Then I hope to meet with loved ones

When I reach my journey's end,

And maybe read a verse or two

From verses I have penned.

And although the time's uncertain

And we never know the day,

When the journey is all over,

It won't matter anyway. -- Harry Bechtol


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