Jarrod has the word. A comfort is he.
Jarrod has the way to true liberty.
Jarrod has the light that shines in the night.
Jarrod has the life. All will be right.
Kate has the joy of family and friends.
Kate has the hope of life with no ends.
Kate has the peace of God's favor divine.
Kate has the faith that lasts for all time.
Vivian is the gift from our Father above.
Vivian is grace wrapped up in love.
Vivian has a future in God's perfect plan.
Vivian is the child who holds to God’s hand.
Zeke is a boy and a son of the King.
Zeke is busy. Joy he does bring.
Zeke is friendly. His life is a joy.
Zeke is intelligent. His brain he’ll employ.
Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,
which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.