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It's Great

It’s fascinating

To think of God creating

The stars throughout the sky.

He made the moon appearing

As the sun was disappearing.

He gave us special minds to wonder why.

He made small and big creatures

And designed all their features

So they can swim, run, or fly.

But to me, it’s so amazing

That no Jesus, we are gazing.

In Him, we may live and never die.

“God has raised you with Christ to a new life. So you should want more and more the things that belong to heaven. That is where Christ is now. He sits there at God's right side. So think about the good things that are there in heaven above. Do not think only about things that are on the earth. Remember that your old nature has died. God is keeping your new life safe with Christ. You have that new life because you belong to Christ. One day, Christ will show himself clearly to everyone. Then everyone will see that you are with him. They will see that you also are great, like he is.”

Colossians 3:1-4 EASY

(Photo. Tom McConihay on Mt. Lemon in Arizona)


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