Brother Bean was in the field
Preaching to all around,
“You'll reap just what you’ve sown.”
This truth seemed quite sound.
He said he had some beans
Who had fallen by the road.
As you might have guessed,
Birds ate the ones that showed.
Some were the struggling beans
Who were trying to get down.
They were soon stoped
By a great rock they had found.
They were doing great
And had only just begun
When they were shriveled up
From the hot summer sun.
Other beans got messed up
In the thorns and in the weeds.
They were crowded out
And got no water for their needs.
These sad stories Bean did relate.
From him we learned this lesson,
That circumstances in this life
Can cause the bean crop to lessen.
No other beans came from them.
The farmer pulled them out.
They were more useless
Than the ones that didn't sprout.
Things were different in the field
Where the soil was very good.
The beans were big and fruitful.
They had grown just as they should.
Brother Bean was beaming
When he counted every bean.
He said there was a hundredfold.
The best he had ever seen.
If you have been understanding
That the good soil is your heart,
Then let the Savior help you
Faith is where you start.
You must let your root go down.
God's promises he'll fulfill.
You will produce much fruit.
God will help you. Yes he will!
Galatians 6:7-8
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.