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A New Country

I can’t add to the beauty

Of the vast Grand Canyon scene.

I can but gaze across the rim

And see what lies between.

What I behold is plain to see.

It’s the work of God’s own hand.

What joy and peace to know that

God has prepared for me a land.

A land of wondrous beauty.

The abode of all that’s fair.

My heart anticipate his love.

What rest I will have there.

Thank you God for what’s behind.

Thank you for what’s ahead.

Thank you that you dear Lord,

Do all your word has said.

I desire a better country;

One that's heavenly.

I am not ashamed of God

Nor is he ashamed of me.

But now they desire a better country,

that is, an heavenly:

wherefore God is not ashamed

to be called their God:

for he hath prepared for them a city.

Hebrews 11:16 KJV


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