Grab a cup of tea.
Pull your self a chair.
Let’s visit awhile.
I’ve got so much to share.
How’re all the kids.
Sure has been some weather.
I’m glad you came.
It’s fun to get together.
Hey how about some snacks.
Take a look see how many.
Have another cup of tea.
Help yourself there’s plenty.
Did I ever tell you how
Jesus came into my heart?
It began with my Mother.
Her faith she did impart.
She had a Good Shepherd Bible.
It had pictures on the pages.
I remember seeing David
And the saints throughout the ages.
We memorized some scripture.
My Mother read it often.
The chapter was the 23rd Psalms.
My heart these words would soften.
Mother would sing hymns
When she needed to be cheered
Or to strengthen herself
If there were things she feared.
I too have loved the hymns.
They lift me up to God.
That is how I got my start
On the Christian path I’ve trod.
I’m grateful to be sharing
How faithful God is to me.
This is fun dear friend.
Have another cup of tea.
My cup runs over.
Psalms 23:5 NKJVV